Catalogue Raisonné


Head and Bottle, 1975
Oil on canvas
65½ x 68½ in.
166.4 x 174.0 cm
Signed front lower left: Philip Guston
Private Collection New York
Auction: Christie's New York, Post-War and Contemporary Art Evening Sale, Wednesday, May 16, 2007, Lot 9
Sally Lilienthal
San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, San Francisco, CA, "Philip Guston, Retrospective 1930 - 1979", May 15, 1980 - June 29, 1980  Travelled to:
Whitechapel Gallery, London, England, "Philip Guston: Paintings 1969 - 1980", October 13, 1982 - December 12, 1982  Travelled to:
Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia, Madrid, Spain, "Philip Guston: Retrospectiva de Pintura", March 01, 1989 - May 08, 1989  Travelled to:
The Museum of Modern Art, New York, NY, "High & Low: Modern Art and Popular Culture", October 07, 1990 - January 15, 1991 Travelled to:
Timothy Taylor Gallery, London, England, "Philip Guston", June 10, 2015 - July 11, 2015 
Albright, Thomas. "A Curious Repertoire of the Guston Imagery." San Francisco Sunday Examiner & Chronicle, May 25, 1980, pp. 36–38, illus. in b&w p. 37 and mentioned in text p. 38
Boettger, Suzaan. "Art for Modern Times." Daily Californian (Berkeley), June 26, 1980, pp. 8, 11, illus. p. 8 and mentioned in text p. 11
Toucatt, Ralph. "Metamorphosis: The Art of Philip Guston." The Threepenny Review, Fall 1980, p. 24, mentioned in text, not illus.
Rickey, Carrie. "Gust, Gusto, Guston." Artforum, October 1980, pp. 32–39, mentioned in text p. 39, not illus.
Lyon, Christopher. "Reflections on a Mirror." Chicago Reader, November 28, 1980, section 1, pp. 47–48, mentioned in text p. 48, not illus.
Elliot, David. "Philip Guston: A Nagging Honesty." Sunday Sun-Times (Chicago), November 30, 1980, mentioned in text, not illus.
Philip Guston. Exh. cat. New York: George Braziller, 1980, cat. no. 64, illus. in color plate 55 p. 98
Hughes, Robert. "Reflections in a Bloodshot Eye." Time, August 3, 1981, illus. in color and mentioned in text
Rose, Barbara. "Ugly? The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: Neo-Expressionism Challenges Abstract Art." Vogue, March 1982, pp. 370–74, 425, illus. in color pg. 372-373
Petzal, Monica. "My God, Did I Do That..? From the Ku Klux to Krazy Kat." Time Out, October 8–14, 1982, illus. in color p. 14
Vaizey, Marina. "When the Subject Matters." Sunday Times (London), October 17, 1982, p. 42, illus. in b&w
Cork, Richard. "A Talent to Abuse." Standard (London), November 18, 1982, p. 21, illus. in b&w
Nicholas Serota, ed. Philip Guston: Paintings 1969–1980. Exh. cat. London: Whitechapel Art Gallery, 1982, cat. no. 11, illus. in color p. 22 (unpaginated)
Ammann, Jean-Christophe. "De L'Oeuvre Tardive de Philip Guston." Artistes, 1983, pp. 83–85, mentioned in text p. 84, not illus.
Purviance, Nina. "Philip Guston in the Fifties: The Power of Suggestion." Arts Magazine, September 1985, pp. 94–97, Fig. 8 illus. in b&w p. 96 and mentioned in text p. 97
Storr, Robert. Philip Guston. New York: Abbeville Modern Masters, 1986, illus. in color on front cover
Zaller, Robert. "Philip Guston and the Crisis of the Image." Critical Inquiry 14, no. 1 (1987): pp. 69–94, mentioned in text p. 88, not illus.
Mayer, Musa. Night Studio: A Memoir of Philip Guston by His Daughter. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1988, mentioned in text p. 191, not illus.
Fernandez, Horacio. "El Último Perplejo." El Europeo, March 1989, pp. 66-74, illus. in color p. 71
Gallego, Julian. "El gusto de Guston." ABC (Madrid), March 2, 1989, mentioned in text, not illus.
Serraller, F. Calvo. "Abierta en Madrid una retrospectiva de Guston: En Centro Reina Sofia expone 70 obras del artista que paso del expresionismo abstracto a la figuracion." El País (Madrid), March 2, 1989. Print, mentioned in text, not illus.
Expansión (Madrid). "Philip Guston, en el Reina Sofia." March 31, 1989, illus.
Yau, John. "The Phoenix of the Self." Artforum, April 1989, illus. in b&w p. 151
Peele, Stanton. "Ain't Misbehaving: Addition Has Become an All-Purpose Excuse." Sciences, July/August 1989, pp. 14–21, illus. p. 20
Degener, Patricia. "Retrospective of Philip Guston's Paintings Shows 'A Life Lived.'" St. Louis Post-Dispatch, September 10, 1989, p. 4C, mentioned in text, not illus.
Conover, Kirsten A. "Philip Guston: an Artist Who Dared Draw Things You Can Recognize." Christian Science Monitor, December 27, 1989, section Art, mentioned in text, not illus.
Philip Guston, Opere Su Carta 1933–1980. Exh. cat. Milan: Electa, 1989, illus. in b&w p. 10
Philip Guston: Retrospectiva de Pintura. Exh. cat. Essays by Mark Rosenthal, Robert Storr, Carrie Rickey, Francisco Calvo Serraller, and Dore Ashton. Madrid: Ministerio de Cultura, Dirección General de Bellas Artes y Archivos, Centro Nacional de Exposiciones, 1989, cat no. 43, illus. in color p. 105
Solomon, Deborah. "Pop Goes the Easel." House & Garden, October 1990, illus. in color pg. 212
Larson, Kay. "Pop Goes the Easel." New York Magazine, October 15, 1990, pp. 93–94, illus. in color p. 93 (reproduced backwards)
E. H. "A Little Too High-Minded." Arts, December 1990, illus.
Mayer, Musa. Night Studio: A Memoir of Philip Guston by His Daughter. 1988. Reprint, New York: Penguin, 1990, mentioned in text p. 191, not illus.
Varnedoe, Kirk, and Adam Gopnik. High & Low: Modern Art and Popular Culture. Exh. cat. New York: Harry N. Abrams, 1990, illus. in color Fig. 107 p. 220 and mentioned in text p. 223
Ashton, Dore. "Which Way Is Up?" Contemporanea, January 1991, illus. in color p. 35
Art International. "The Debate Over Popular and Museum Culture: Dore Ashton and Art Spiegelman Visit 'High and Low' at the MoMA." Spring/Summer 1991, pp. 60-64, illus. in color p. 62
Aмерика [America Illustrated]. "Высокое искусство [Art High and Low]." December 1991, pp. 52–56, pp. 52-56, illus. in color p. 55
Mayer, Musa. Night Studio: A Memoir of Philip Guston. 1988. Reprint, London: Thames and Hudson, 1991, mentioned in text p. 191, not illus.
"Portfolio and Documents: Philip Guston." TO: A Journal of Poetry, Prose & the Visual Arts 2, no. 3–4 (1994): pp. 159–206, mentioned in text of William Corbett essay p. 191, not illus.
Corbett, William. Philip Guston's Late Work: A Memoir. Boston: Zoland Books, 1994, mentioned in text p. 101, not illus.
McGrath, Patrick. "Philip Guston: Head and Bottle, 1975." Artforum, February 1995, illus. in color p. 62
Picasso, Guston, Miro, de Kooning: In vollkommener Freiheit. Exh. cat. Bremen: Neues Museum Weserberg Bremen, 1996, illus. in b&w p. 91
Mayer, Musa. Night Studio: A Memoir of Philip Guston. Reprint, Boston: Da Capo Press, 1997.
, mentioned in text p. 191, not illus.
Arnason, H. H., and Marla F. Prather. History of Modern Art. 4th ed. New York: Harry N. Abrams, 1998, illus. in b&w fig. 529 p. 445
Welish, Marjorie. "The Art of Philip Guston." In Signifying Art: Essays on Art After 1960. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999, mentioned in text p. 156, not illus.
Kastein, Albrecht, ed. Philip Guston. Texts by Albrecht Kastein, Jutta Koether, Roberto Ohrt, and Willam Corbett. Exh. cat. Cologne: BQ, 2001, illus. in b&w p. 57
Anfam, David. "Telling Tales: Philip Guston in Retrospect." Artforum International, May 2003, pp. 132–39, 192, mentioned in text p. 138, not illus.
Auping, Michael. "Philip Guston Retrospective." American Art Review, July–August 2003, illus. in color
Nichols, Tucker. "'Philip Guston Made Me Do It.' Philip Guston Retrospective, SFMOMA June 28–September 28, 2003." Stretcher, September 2, 2003. Online, illus. in color
Lee, Pamela M. "Best of 2003, #2, Philip Guston." Artforum, December 2003, illus. in color as one of the images on the cover of the issue (although mis-identified on interior page)
Hainley, Bruce. "Best of 2003, #1, Philip Guston." Artforum, December 2003, illus. in color as one of the images on the cover of the issue (although mis-identified on interior page)
Kuspit, Donald. "Philip Guston's Self-Doubt." artnet Magazine, December 4, 2003, illus. in color
Feld, Ross. Erinnerungen an Philip Guston Mit dem Briefwechsel zwischen Feld und Guston. Kippenheim-Schmieheim: Verlag Kurt Liebig, 2003, illus. in color p. 66
Feld, Ross. Guston in Time: Remembering Philip Guston. New York: Counterpoint, 2003, illus. in b&w (no page #) and mentioned in text p. 60
Roth, Philip. "Pictures of Guston." Modern Painters, Fall 2003, pp. 68–71, illus. in color p. 69
Ware, Chris. "Philip Guston: A Cartoonist's Appreciation." McSweeney's Quarterly Concern, no. 13 (2004), illus. in color pp. 86-87
Zaller, Robert. "The Abandoned Studio: Philip Guston's Gnostic Testament." Boulevard 20, no. 2-3 (2005): pp. 100–18, mentioned in text p. 111, not illus.
Botelho, Manuel. Guston em contexto: até ao regresso da figura. Lisbon: Livros Vendaval, 2007, illus. in color p. 139
Bucklow, Christopher. What Is in the Dwat: The Universe of Guston's Final Decade. Grasmere, England: Wordsworth Trust, 2007, Plate 26, illus. in color p. 181 and mentioned in text pp. 44, 69, 71-73, 84 and 101
Cranston, Meg. "And Simplify." Tate Etc., Autumn 2009, illus. in color p. 88
Kaufmann, David. Telling Stories: Philip Guston's Later Works. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2010, illus. in color Plate 6
Johnson, Ken. Are You Experienced? How Psychedelic Consciousness Transformed Modern Art. New York: Prestel, 2011, illus. in color p. 73
Yau, John. "Thomas Nozkowski and Philip Guston Talk to Each Other Without Knowing It." Hyperallergic, June 16, 2013. Online, mentioned in text, not illus.
Artlyst. "Philip Guston To Open At Timothy Taylor Gallery." May 11, 2015. Online, mentioned in text, not illus.
Westall, Mark. "Opening This Week Seminal American Artist Philip Guston at Timothy Taylor." FAD Magazine, June 9, 2015. Online, illus. in color and mentioned in text
Güner, Fisun. "Philip Guston, Timothy Taylor Gallery: Small but Powerful Survey of the American Artist's Late Figurative Paintings." Arts Desk, June 21, 2015. Online, illus. in color online and mentioned in text
Searle, Adrian. "Morbid Monsters and the Ku Klux Klan: The Crude Cartoonish Genius of Philip Guston." Adrian Searle Encounters, Guardian, June 23, 2015, section Art and Design. Online, illus. in color and mentioned in text
Artlyst. "Timothy Taylor Gallery Continues Its Exploration of Philip Guston's Work." July 18, 2015. Online, illus. in color
Kinsella, Eileen. "Hauser and Wirth Opens Huge Philip Guston Show Pinpointing 'Pivotal' Decade." artnet News, April 27, 2016. Online, mentioned in text, not illus.
Eaton, William. "Guston, Schapiro, Rosenberg,...Dialogue." Zeteo Journal, July 13, 2016. Online, illus. in color
Mayer, Musa. Night Studio: A Memoir of Philip Guston. 1988. Reprint, Munich: Sieveking Verlag; Zurich: Hauser & Wirth, 2016, illus. no. 102, illus. in color p. 261 and mentioned in text p. 260
Hauser & Wirth at Art Basel Miami Beach. Zurich: Hauser & Wirth, 2017, mentioned in text, not illus.
Mayer, Musa. Night Studio: Un ritratto intimo di Philip Guston. Monza: Johan & Levi, 2017, illus. in color fig. 31 (following p. 160) and mentioned in text p. 212
Elliott, David. "The Unstoppable Paintings of Philip Guston." Border Crossings, November 2020, pp. 48-55, mentioned in text p. 54, not illus.
Storr, Robert. Philip Guston: A Life Spent Painting. London: Laurence King Publishing, 2020, No. 185 illus. in color p. 178, illus. in color p. 332 as part of a photo of Guston, and illus. in color p. 335 as part of an installation photo
Cooper, Harry, Mark Godfrey, Alison de Lima Greene, and Kate Nesin. Philip Guston Now. Exh. cat. Washington D.C.: National Gallery of Art, 2020, mentioned in text p. 163, not illus.
Feld, Ross. Guston In Time: Remembering Philip Guston. New York: Counterpoint, 2003. Reprint, New York: New York Review of Books, 2022, illus. in color (no page #) and mentioned in text p. 56
Brooklyn Rail. "Reflections on Philip Guston Now." June 2023. Online, mentioned in text, not illus.
Brooklyn Rail. "Reflections on Philip Guston Now." June 2023, pp. 30-31, mentioned in text, not illus.
Mayer, Musa. Night Studio: A Memoir of Philip Guston. 1988. Reprint, Zurich: Hauser & Wirth, 2023, illus. no. 102, illus. in color p. 261 and mentioned in text p. 260
Draw Them In, Paint Them Out: Trenton Doyle Hancock Confronts Philip Guston. Exh. cat. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 2024.
, illus. in color p. 28 and mentioned in text pp. 18 and 29