Catalogue Raisonné
Oil on canvas
48½ x 51½ in.
123.2 x 130.8 cm
Signed front lower left: Philip Guston
- Provenance
- Seattle Art Museum, Gift of the Friday Foundation in honor of Richard E. Lang and Jane Lang Davis, 2020.14.10
- The Friday Foundation
- Collection of Jane Lang Davis
- Collection of Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Lang
- Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Brown, Springfield, MA
- Exhibitions
- Baltimore Museum of Art, Baltimore, MD, "Abstract Expressionists", March 03, 1953 - March 29, 1953
- Iowa Memorial Union and Iowa Art Building, Iowa City, IA, "Then and Now: American Painting in the 1930s and 1950s", June 13, 1954 - July 31, 1954
- Munson-Williams-Proctor Arts Institute Museum of Art, Utica, NY, "Italy Rediscovered, An Exhibition of Work by American Painters in Italy since World War II", March 06, 1955 - March 27, 1955
- Sidney Janis Gallery, New York, NY, "Recent Paintings Philip Guston", February 06, 1956 - March 03, 1956
- The Museum of Modern Art, New York, NY, "12 Americans", May 29, 1956 - September 09, 1956
- Dwight Art Memorial, South Hadley, MA, "Abstract Expressionism", February 07, 1957 - February 28, 1957
- Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, NY, "Philip Guston", May 03, 1962 - July 01, 1962 Travelled to:
- Rose Art Museum, Brandeis University, Waltham, MA, "Philip Guston, A Selective Retrospective Exhibition: 1945-1965", February 27, 1966 - March 27, 1966
- The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY, "New York Painting and Sculpture 1940-1970", October 18, 1969 - February 01, 1970
- Acquavella Galleries, Inc., New York, NY, "[Unknown Title]", December 1978 - January 11, 1979
- San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, San Francisco, CA, "Philip Guston, Retrospective 1930 - 1979", May 15, 1980 - June 29, 1980 Travelled to:
- Seattle Art Museum, Seattle, WA, "The Richard and Jane Lang Collection", February 02, 1984 - April 01, 1984
- Smith College Museum of Art, Northhampton, MA, "Dorothy C. Miller: With An Eye to American Art", April 19, 1985 - June 16, 1985
- McKee Gallery, New York, NY, "Philip Guston: Paintings from the Fifties", April 22, 1995 - June 03, 1995
- Kunstmuseum Bonn, Bonn, Germany, "Philip Guston: Gemälde 1947 - 1979", September 02, 1999 - November 01, 1999 Travelled to:
- Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth, Fort Worth, TX, "Philip Guston Retrospective", March 30, 2003 - June 08, 2003 Travelled to:
- Seattle Art Museum, Seattle, WA, "Frisson: The Richard E. Lang and Jane Lang Davis Collection", October 15, 2021 - November 27, 2022
- National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C., "Philip Guston Now", March 02, 2023 - August 27, 2023
- Bibliography
- Abstract Expressionists. Exh. cat. Baltimore: Baltimore Museum of Art, 1953, unnumbered catalog, illus. in b&w, shown as "No. 3--1952"
- Then and Now: American Painting 1930s and 1950s. Exh. cat. Iowa City: State University of Iowa, School of Fine Arts, 1954, cat. no. 40, illus. in b&w (no page #), listed as "Painting No. 3, 1952"
- Italy Rediscovered. Exh. cat. Utica: Munson-Williams-Proctor Institute, 1955, cat. no. 22 illus. in b&w, listed as Painting No. 3, 1952, Lent by the Egan Gallery
- Ashton, Dore. "Art: The Age of Lyricism" Arts & Architecture, March 1956, pp. 14–15, 43–44, illus. in b&w and mentioned in text p. 15
- Miller, Dorothy C., ed. 12 Americans. Exh. cat. New York: The Museum of Modern Art, 1956, unnumbered catalog, illus. in b&w p. 37, listed as being from 1951-52
- Hunter, Sam, "Philip Guston," Art International, May 1962, pp. 62–67, illus. in b&w p. 62
- Alloway, Lawrence. "Notes on Guston." Art Journal, Fall 1962, pp. 8–11, Fig. 3, detail illus. in b&w p. 9 and mentioned in text p. 9
- Philip Guston. Exh. cat. New York: The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, 1962, cat. no. 18, illus. in color p. 56
- Nordland, Gerald. "Review at Mid-Life." Frontier, July 1963, pp. 23–25, mentioned in text p. 24, not illus.
- Philip Guston: A Selective Retrospective Exhibition: 1945–1965. Exh. brochure. Waltham: The Poses Institute of Fine Arts, Rose Art Museum, Brandeis University, 1966, cat. no. 7
- Rubin, William. "Jackson Pollock and the Modern Tradition Part III." Artforum, April 1967, pp. 18–31, illus. in b&w p. 18
- Geldzahler, Henry. New York Painting and Sculpture: 1940–1970. Exh. cat. New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1969, cat. no. 109 illus. in b&w p. 170
- O'Hara, Frank. "Growth and Guston." In Art Chronicles 1954–1966. New York: George Braziller, 1975, pp. 134-141, mentioned in text p. 137, not illus.
- Ashton, Dore. Yes, but... A Critical Study of Philip Guston. New York: Viking, 1976, illus. in b&w p. 103
- Albright, Thomas. "A Curious Repertoire of the Guston Imagery." San Francisco Sunday Examiner & Chronicle, May 25, 1980, pp. 36–38, mentioned in text p. 36, not illus.
- Curtis, Cathy. "Philip Guston: The Continuity of Change." Artweek, June 7, 1980, mentioned in text, not illus.
- Albright, Thomas. "Philip Guston: 'It's a Strange Thing to Be Immersed in the Culture of Painting...'" ARTnews, September 1980, pp. 114–16, mentioned in text p. 115 (unpaginated), not illus.
- Philip Guston. Exh. cat. New York: George Braziller, 1980, cat. no. 20, illus. in color plate 10 p. 57
- Greenwich Time. "Whitney's Guston Exhibit Spans Half-Century Career." June 27, 1981, mentioned in text, not illus.
- The Richard and Jane Lang Collection. Exh. cat. Seattle: Seattle Art Museum, 1984, cat. no. 14, pp. 28-29
- Dorothy C. Miller, With an Eye to American Art. Exh. cat. Northampton, MA: Smith College Museum of Art, 1985, cat. no. 22, not illus.
- Storr, Robert. Philip Guston. New York: Abbeville Modern Masters, 1986, illus. in color no. 24 p. 29 and mentioned in text p. 28
- Ashton, Dore. A Critical Study of Philip Guston. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1990, illus. in b&w p. 103
- Wheeler, Daniel. Art Since Mid-Century: 1945 to the Present. New York: Vendome Press, 1991, illus. in color Fig. 87 p. 58 and mentioned in text p. 290
- Hunter, Sam, and John Jacobus. Modern Art: Painting, Sculpture, Architecture. 3rd ed. New York: Harry N. Abrams, 1992, illus. in color fig. 739 p. 384 and mentioned in text p. 385
- Smith, Roberta. "A Philip Guston Decade Colored by Red and Pink." New York Times, April 28, 1995, section C, p. 32, mentioned in text, not illus.
- Philip Guston: Paintings from the Fifties. Exh. cat. New York: McKee Gallery, 1995, cat. no. 6, illus. in color (no page #)
- Koppelman, Dorothy. "Philip Guston: The Man, His Life and His Work." Terrain Gallery Online, Aesthetic Realism Foundation, September 1997, illus. in color online
- Founders and Heirs of the New York School. Exh. cat. Tokyo: Yomiuri Shimbun, 1997, fig. 11, illus. in b&w p. 17
- American Visions. "Program 8: 1970–Present." Written and presented by Robert Hughes. BBC, Planet 24 Productions, Time, WNET Channel 13 New York, 1997. Television documentary series.
- Haase, Amine. "Die Gewalt der lesbaren Bilder: Spektakulär Deutschland-Premiere des amerikanischen Malers Philip Guston." Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger (Cologne), September 2, 1999, mentioned in text, not illus.
- Schreier, Christoph, Michael Auping, and Martin Hentschel. Philip Guston: Gemalde 1947–1979. Exh. cat. Ostfildern: Hatje Cantz Verlag, 1999, unnumbered catalog, illus. in color p. 69, shown in Bonn
- Milroy, Sarah. "I Was Feeling Split, Schizophrenic." National Post, May 17, 2000, pp. B6–B7, illus. in color
- Halkes, Petra. "Figuring Out Abstraction." Border Crossings, August 2000, pp. 75–77, mentioned in text p. 76, not illus.
- Leydier, Richard. "Philip Guston l'heretique/The Heresies of Philip Guston." Art Press, October 2000, pp. 36–41, illus. in color p. 41
- Philip Guston Tableaux / Paintings 1947 - 1979. Exh. cat. Ostfildern: Hatje Cantz Publishers, 2000, illus. in color p. 69 and mentioned in text pp. 18, 49-50
- Newton, Steven James. Painting, Psychoanalysis, and Spirituality. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001, illus. in b&w fig. 18 p. 123 and mentioned in text pp. 122, 126 and 127-128
- Kuspit, Donald. "Philip Guston's Self-Doubt." artnet Magazine, December 4, 2003, illus. in color
- Auping, Michael. Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth, Philip Guston Retrospective. Exh. cat. London: Thames & Hudson, 2003, illus. in color Plate 32, unpaginated (but would be p. 131) and mentioned in text p. 39
- Lambirth, Andrew. "Apocalyptic Vision." Spectator (London), January 24, 2004, p. 36, mentioned in text, not illus.
- Philip Guston: Odd Man Out. BBC Four, January 28, 2004. Television, illus. in color
- Balken, Debra Bricker. Abstract Expressionism. London: Tate Publishing, 2005, illus. in color Fig. 31 p. 48, detail illus. in color frontispiece and mentioned in text p. 47 as "For B.W.T."
- Wolf, Tom. "Hervey White's Maverick Colony & Its Artists." In The Maverick: Hervey White's Colony of the Arts. Exh. cat. Woodstock: Woodstock Artists Association and Museum, 2006, mentioned in text p. 31, not illus.
- Hohmeyer, Boris. "Die Entdeckung der Wirklichkeit." Art: Das Kunstmagazin March 2007, pp. 26–35, illus. in color p. 35
- Cooper, Harry. "Spatter and Daub: The Contradictions of Abstract Expressionism." Artforum, Summer 2011, illus. in color p. 319
- Coolidge, Clark, ed. Philip Guston: Collected Writings, Lectures, and Conversations. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2011, mentioned in text pp. 153 and 217, not illus.
- Landau, Ellen G. Mexico and American Modernism. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2013, illus. in color fig. 40, p. 57
- Bradley Walker Tomlin: A Retrospective. Exh. cat. New Paltz: Samuel Dorsky Museum of Art, 2016, Fig. 40, illus. in color p. 101 (Daniel Belasco essay)
- Brandt, Anthony, and David Eagleman. The Runaway Species: How Human Creativity Remakes the World. New York: Catapult, 2017, illus. in color p. 140
Sotheby's Contemporary Art Evening Auction. New York: Sotheby's. Auction cat., November 16, 2017.
, mentioned in text p. 106, not illus. - Storr, Robert. Philip Guston: A Life Spent Painting. London: Laurence King Publishing, 2020, No. 41 illus. in color p. 55 and mentioned in text p. 52
- Mayer, Musa. Philip Guston. London: Laurence King Publishing, 2020, illus. in color and mentioned in text p. 35
- Cooper, Harry, Mark Godfrey, Alison de Lima Greene, and Kate Nesin. Philip Guston Now. Exh. cat. Washington D.C.: National Gallery of Art, 2020, illus. in color Plate 34 p. 55 and mentioned in text p. 229
- Frisson: The Richard E. Lang and Jane Lang Davis Collection. Exh. cat. Edited by Catharina Manchanda. Seattle: Seattle Art Museum, 2021, Plate 7 illus. in color p. 97 and illus. in color p. 182 and mentioned in text pp. 38, 41 and 96-99
- Guston, Philip. I Paint What I Want To See. Penguin Classics, 2022, mentioned in text pp. 87-88, not illus.
- Coolidge, Clark, ed. Philip Guston: Que peindre sinon l'énigme. Translated by Éric Suchère. Strasbourg: L'Atelier Contemporain, 2023, mentioned in text pp. 259 and 458, not illus.